Are you afraid of the black box, the one with the $ sign in the front, the terminal? Become acquainted with the Linux Bash in order to harness the megawatts of power the HPC offers.Want power? We Bash!Using Linux and in particular the Bash is new for many first-time HPC users. This course is specifically designed to make the transition from laptop to Data Center easy. We will slowly and gently get you used to running a Bash, navigating the file tree to find folders and edit files. Most importantly, we will show you how to use the SSH protocol to access the front-end servers of our HPC cluster.Note on the language of the course: We prepare the slides for the course in English, but we can also present in German if all participants understand German.
Multimediaraum 01 im Göttinger RechenzentrumRaum -1.129.1, Burckhardtweg 4, 37077 Göttingen
This event includes following dates: